Daniel W. Polk: Sports Card Entrepreneur

When I was in high school, I wrote a research paper entitled- Collectibles: A Viable Investment. In recent years, I’ve gotten back into buying/selling sports and other trading cards. I am always looking to purchase both individual cards and full collections. I offer fair compensation and can also consign your cards (sell them for you). 

-You can connect with me & view my current cards for sale at: https://www.ebay.com/usr/danielwpolksportscards

-My eBay store is regularly updated, with new cards added on a weekly basis.


translucent brown bubbles, how else to describe, perhaps dark caramel, better image of sweetness, and this is just the surface, have a coke and a smile, coke is it, i’d like to buy the world a coke, and on and on, streaming backwards in time, all the ads, commercials, inducements to imbibe this drink, that the chileans cursed, leche de los yankees, yankee milk, and to think it will wash away even the saltiest of buttered popcorn, attract yellowjackets like no other, this beverage, this legend, white script on a red can, on a bottle, tingles on tongue, blamed for cavities, craved over pepsi, coffee, or sprite, hated and loved, this never-ending all-american delight.