Are Clint Eastwood Cards Undervalued?

Clint Eastwood is arguably the most iconic American male actor/director of all-time: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Million Dollar Baby, Heartbreak Ridge, Letters from Iwo Jima, the list is endless.

Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco in 1930. He is a 12th generation American, descended from the pilgrim William Bradford. As a young man he was: a jazz pianist, a lumberjack, a steel mill worker, a truck driver, a life guard, a grocer, a forest firefighter, and a bouncer. Eastwood was stationed at Fort Ord Army base from 1951-1953 and served his country as a swimming instructor. On September 30th 1951, he was a passenger in a US Navy Skyraider which crashed into the ocean off the coast of Point Reyes in Marin County, California. Eastwood was able to swim the two miles to shore at night, guided by the Point Reyes Lighthouse. Eventually, Eastwood made his way to Hollywood and slowly but surely became a movie star.

Clint Eastwood has two recognized rookie cards: the 1959 Menko & the 1962 Dutch Gum (see above images). There are a few variations for both of these extremely rare cards. There are only 21 graded (PSA & SGC) 1962 Dutch Gum/Menko rookie cards. Currently, eBay has only 10 Dutch Gum & 5 Menko cards listed. COMC has 13 Dutch Gum & 1 Menko card. I’ve been tracking these cards for several weeks; new Eastwood cards are almost never added to either platform. One slight breeze in the market & all of Clint Eastwood’s 1960’s cards will easily be $100+.

So, are Clint Eastwood cards undervalued? Yes, yes they are. -You can purchase a Clint Eastwood Rookie card here:

The 1966 #1 Batman Rookie Card

January 1966, the Batman TV show airs on ABC, BAM! POW! Success soon follows, and the caped crusader takes his place next to Superman as one of the two most iconic superheroes….ever. The number one Batman comic book from 1940 sold for $2.2 million, but what about his #1 trading card? $15,000. If you are looking for an iconic vintage superhero card, this is it!

You can purchase a copy of this card here:

My Modeling Career

i have longish hair combed back, think don johnson in miami vice, 1994 and i’m living in santiago, chile, always walking the city streets, one afternoon he sees me strolling, hey guy, my name is max, please take my card, i think you can model, are you interested? i had heard about other americans who’d made thousands of dollars with their blue eyes and light skin color, sure, i say, good, good, go to this place tomorrow at 4pm, he scribbles the address on the back of his card, tell them max sent you, the next day i arrive, it’s a tv ad for a washing machine, i give max’s card to a woman, ok, she says, stand on the x, spin around and smile, i nod, i get the spinning part, but i can’t smile on demand, in my head i’m thinking, this is stupid, i do another spin, another failed smile, third time’s the charm, but no, thanks for coming, she says, i throw max’s card in the trash, adios modeling career.

When Water Becomes Money

fresh stream, well, deep earth, reservoir, spring, glacier, aquifer, hydrogen, oxygen, later, money maker, perrier, dasani, aquafina, evian, put it in plastic, green glass, forget fountains with their weak dribbles, today the names are endless, nalgene, swell roamer, hydro flask, yeti, takeya, cirkul, corkcicle, fijoo, yomious, veegoal, swig savvy, sursip, looks cool, sounds cool, excessive accessory, life liquid container, amazing, how we turn everything into consumerism.

Alphabet Money

all we care about is money
bacon, bank, bones, bread, bucks
cash, clams, coin
dead presidents, dinero, dollar, dough
everything runs on
funds, financials, facts, they want the
green bills
hedge equity
including liquid assets
just because we
keep believing
loot is loot and
moola matters
never trust the 
ones without the
paper rectangles
question those with no
something is wrong if they’ve got no
unless this whole construct is
what if we
x-ray the system and this  
yearning for money isn’t worth

20 One-Liners After Reading Joe Brainard


Ice is more likely than snow.


Sun, sand, and shore, what you thought.


Is only part of what I am thinking.


Will be like tomorrow, but different.

In the country

Deer cross roads and sometimes die.


One part chocolate, one part graham cracker, one part marshmallow, add flame first.

That feeling

When you just know.


The place where a cow fell on me but missed.


Is a good Beatles song or a warm puppy.


Do pennies really matter anymore?


Powell, Crater, Radnor, Tahoe, Champlain

The Sky

Isn’t falling, although it sometimes feels that way.


Taste best with hummus.

Modern Times

Everyone has the answer, no one has the answer.

Real life

When your tooth is being extracted.


Is canceling all of your plans.

Something to think about 

If you are really really quiet, you probably already know.


I am always a young person here.

Human nature

To believe in the divine.


The phosphorescent paint in constellation stories.


listening to cuyahoga, r.e.m., michael stipe, used to be a household name, like prell shampoo, but now he’s a my generation kind of thing, as in the 80’s, i remember the green tour, when the band went mainstream, didn’t they all try, to get the money, blow up, get bigger, artists and their stage, their platform, grow it, except fugazi, ian mackaye, $5 shows, think about that


translucent brown bubbles, how else to describe, perhaps dark caramel, better image of sweetness, and this is just the surface, have a coke and a smile, coke is it, i’d like to buy the world a coke, and on and on, streaming backwards in time, all the ads, commercials, inducements to imbibe this drink, that the chileans cursed, leche de los yankees, yankee milk, and to think it will wash away even the saltiest of buttered popcorn, attract yellowjackets like no other, this beverage, this legend, white script on a red can, on a bottle, tingles on tongue, blamed for cavities, craved over pepsi, coffee, or sprite, hated and loved, this never-ending all-american delight.

Polo Shirt

everyone wanted that
little man swinging
a mallet on
button-down cotton
symbol of money
and conformity, belonging
to the great
american dream, success
on our chest
was everything in
yuppie popped collar
middle school hallways
of my youth
before time passing
and truth telling
consumerism, that word
of excess and
education, realization that
things are just

Of Love and Things

black friday
pop up ads
vanity fair
folded perfume

possess, covet
objects of pride
I’m better than you
insistence that

moneyed hierarchy
is the answer
will solve
all woes

sorry, not sorry
to say, this
accumulating life
is wasting time

on things (and
you’ve heard this
before), stuff won’t
make you happy

but instead, yes
love, it is
so simple
also free