Are Clint Eastwood Cards Undervalued?

Clint Eastwood is arguably the most iconic American male actor/director of all-time: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Million Dollar Baby, Heartbreak Ridge, Letters from Iwo Jima, the list is endless.

Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco in 1930. He is a 12th generation American, descended from the pilgrim William Bradford. As a young man he was: a jazz pianist, a lumberjack, a steel mill worker, a truck driver, a life guard, a grocer, a forest firefighter, and a bouncer. Eastwood was stationed at Fort Ord Army base from 1951-1953 and served his country as a swimming instructor. On September 30th 1951, he was a passenger in a US Navy Skyraider which crashed into the ocean off the coast of Point Reyes in Marin County, California. Eastwood was able to swim the two miles to shore at night, guided by the Point Reyes Lighthouse. Eventually, Eastwood made his way to Hollywood and slowly but surely became a movie star.

Clint Eastwood has two recognized rookie cards: the 1959 Menko & the 1962 Dutch Gum (see above images). There are a few variations for both of these extremely rare cards. There are only 21 graded (PSA & SGC) 1962 Dutch Gum/Menko rookie cards. Currently, eBay has only 10 Dutch Gum & 5 Menko cards listed. COMC has 13 Dutch Gum & 1 Menko card. I’ve been tracking these cards for several weeks; new Eastwood cards are almost never added to either platform. One slight breeze in the market & all of Clint Eastwood’s 1960’s cards will easily be $100+.

So, are Clint Eastwood cards undervalued? Yes, yes they are. -You can purchase a Clint Eastwood Rookie card here:

When The Holidays Are Over

no more 8am waking up, dean martin really can’t stay, chestnuts stop roasting, the hallmark channel starts to countdown from 364, the radio quits playing it’s the most wonderful time of the year, dead christmas trees adorn city concrete, jimmy stewart disappears back into nostalgia, family says goodbye, credit card bills get paid, calories are cut, gym memberships rise, green & red sweaters go back into cedar chests, thank you cards are written, hot chocolate loses its luster, mistletoe romance becomes memory, new year’s resolutions begin, to do lists resurface, everyone gets a little older & 2023 says goodbye.

Moody Blues & An Old Flame

i wonder where you are, i wonder if you think about me, once upon a time in your wildest dreams, moody blues 1986, he sent her the song on a cassette in the mail, like a message in a bottle, old & scraped, washed up, on her shore, no one listens to the moody blues anymore, she replied on a postcard, but thanks, 10 years had passed, he never wrote her again

My Grandmother’s Scrapbook

held together by shreds of faded fabric, pages torn, inside inked December 1914, that cursive once on chalkboards all across america, found it in the trash where my father had placed it, rescued history, my hands cradling the past, how could you throw this away?, i thought, but never said a word, her poems carefully pasted next to drawings of men and women, little girls, dolls and dogs, lakes with sailboats, christmas greetings from the 20’s, dance cards, foxtrot, lindy hop, young love in pencil marks, pressed carnations, color long gone, diaspora of flower petals wedged into the treasure’s every crevice, army v. navy football ticket, pink powder puff once pressed on a face, my grandmother’s, her life still here, with me forever. 

Yearbook 1990

we care, we don’t care, ballpoint pen, sharpie, maybe a pencil, use words like dude, sign with love, air out grievances, i guess we did have a few little arguments this year, address complicated romance, i suppose we’ve said before that everything was a mistake, but i really don’t feel that way, attempt humor, have a nice winter! make fun of teachers, doesn’t ms. earle look like grimace when she wears the purple lab coat? express bland kindness, you’ve been really cool this year, and i hope to see you around, give unwanted relationship advice, make sure to keep your girl in line, she’ll run all over you, talk sports, oh and by the way, the Braves do not suck, comment on music, STRAY CATS RULE! forget who’s yearbook it is, jim, chemistry wasn’t great but we made it to june, and this quasi-document, could be pompeii, everything, and nothing

Selling Cameras, 1991

survey the merchandise, canon, pentax, nikon, kodak, know the prices, how many dollars to preserve memories? tell the customers about zoom lens, color quality, shutter speed, sell them one by one, talk spanish sometimes, if they are from el salvador, remember the war, they fled that war, try to remember, speak with co-workers, allen, who rides a bike because he lost his license, yusuf, from pakistan, college-educated, has a family, wants to move up to selling televisions, shift from foot to foot, 12 hours standing, 9am to 9pm, too long, scribble scenes for a play when no one is watching, quit before prom, but don’t forget evans department store

George Winston: 1949-2023

when i heard that George Winston died, i realized i had no one to tell, no one who would really understand how he transformed piano notes into snow, into darkened pine trees, into music of the winter solstice. transcendent, like time immemorial, i can still see my seventeen year-old self, not making a sound, just listening to Winston, that quiet focus, he taught me to be still, appreciate all that is.

Of Love and Madrid

her curfew midnight, i sprinted the summer streets of madrid. by metro and taxi, she, an hour away, then an hour back across the capital city. 16 years old, when i could run and sweat, 94 degrees dripping down my cheeks. it didn’t matter, because i always stood by the open window of the metro train, hot air drying everything except the pounding blood in my chest, and i hardly knew it, but this was love. arriving, eyes aglow, to stroll on an ancient moorish pathway, share a morsel of ice cream. 12am, taxi, underground train, back to carabanchel, the far reaches of madrileńo civilization. never a second thought that i would do it all over the next night.